What’s new:
In January, we installed the MORI-TEM experimental olive oil system. The system features several major innovations to be tested over the coming season:
- Temperature conditioning of the olives in line with transformation.
- Differential grinder with grazing cut.
- New linear processing system with vertical tanks in a controlled atmosphere.
- Unidirectional decanter.
- New settling tank with rotary skimmer.
- New filter for final cleaning.
The system is also equipped with an automatic washer that allows the system to be cleaned efficiently in 30 minutes and minimises water consumption.
What we’re working on:
We are about to start pruning the olive trees, starting by 20 March. This year we waited for March to avoid the problems of cold weather that we had in 2018 that significantly reduced our production levels.
At the same time as pruning, we will assign each of our olive trees a code. This will help us to track not only the productivity of each individual plant, but above all the quality it provides.
Just like we do at this time every year, we are also tasting our EVO to verify its quality and to try and establish how long the products will remain intact for. Today, we’re talking about EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE oil. 100% ITALIAN, PRODUCED IN TUSCANY IN THE CHIANTI FIORENTINO REGION AT AN ALTITUDE OF 350M, ORGANIC and available in the following varieties:
- Blend : Moraiolo ,Leccino ,Maurino and others
Our products from the 2018/19 vintage were transformed at the TORRE BIANCA AND RANOCCHIAIA mills in San Casciano Val di Pesa. We produced two labels, a delicate ‘triangolo giallo’ and a robust ‘triangolo verde’. We were unable to produce the ‘4m’ GIORGIO MORI SELECTION
- DELICATE version: 800 ½-litre bottles produced
- ROBUST version: 500 ½-litre bottles produced
- ‘4m’ GIORGIO MORI SELECTION: not produced (the vintage did not allow for the production of this EVO)
The delicate ‘Triangolo Giallo’ has an aroma of grass, almond and artichoke of medium intensity. Light bitterness with some spiciness, pairs best with vegetables and soups. The robust ‘Triangolo Verde’ has an aroma of almond, artichoke and medicinal herbs, medium-high intensity bitterness and spiciness, pairs best with red meat. While tasting the oils, we had with us my father FRANCO, ‘the farmer’, born in 1927. I asked him, ‘Dad, what do you think of the vintage?’ He replied that the oils were good but not exceptional. I also asked him what he thought of the new experimental press, and he smiled happily and said, ‘I think that now we can really work to improve our products with new possibilities’. With this message, we embark on a journey that will inform our current and future customers about all the steps that we are taking in the field, in the wine cellar, and in the mill.
This is because I believe that our passion for these products should be shared, first and foremost with you.
Giorgio Mori